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ACKGenerator - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Allows users to generate HL7 v2.x acknowledgments based on an inbound message, with a specified ACK code and custom text message.
ACKGenerator() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ACKGenerator
add(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional operation).
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
add(Object, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Adds an entry to the map using the MapBuilder.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) method, and returns this builder.
addAll(Collection) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator (optional operation).
addAll(int, Collection) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list at the specified position (optional operation).
addAttachment(List<Attachment>, Object, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Creates an Attachment and adds it to the provided list.
addAttachment(List<Attachment>, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Creates an Attachment and adds it to the provided list.
addResponseHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Adds a new response header to be sent along with the authentication response.
AlertSender - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Allows users to dispatch error events which can be alerted on.
AlertSender(String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AlertSender
Instantiates a new AlertSender.
AlertSender(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AlertSender
Instantiates a new AlertSender.
append(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Adds an element to the list using the ListBuilder.add(java.lang.Object) method, and returns this builder.
Attachment - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Used to store and retrieve details about message attachments such as the ID, MIME type, and content.
Attachment() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Instantiates a new Attachment with no ID, content, or MIME type.
Attachment(String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Instantiates a new Attachment.
Attachment(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Instantiates a new Attachment with String data using UTF-8 charset encoding.
Attachment(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Instantiates a new Attachment with String data and a given charset encoding.
AttachmentUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides utility methods for creating, retrieving, and re-attaching message attachments.
AuthenticationResult - Class in com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil
This class represents the result of an HTTP authentication attempt, used to accept or reject requests coming into HTTP-based source connectors.
AuthenticationResult(AuthStatus) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Instantiates a new AuthenticationResult object.
AuthStatus - Enum in com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil
Denotes the result of an HTTP authentication attempt.


byteArrayToDicomObject(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts a byte array into a dcm4che DicomObject.


cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Future
Attempts to cancel execution of this task.
Challenged(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Convenience method to create a new AuthenticationResult with the CHALLENGED status.
ChannelMap - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
A wrapper class for the channel map that checks against the source map in the get(key) method for legacy support.
ChannelMap(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
Instantiates a new ChannelMap object.
ChannelUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
This utility class allows the user to query information from channels or to perform actions on channels.
clear() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
clear() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
clear() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Removes all of the elements from this list (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
clearMessage() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Removes references to any data (textual or binary) currently stored by the raw message.
close() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Closes the database connection.
columnUpdated(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil - package com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil
This package is included in the JavaScript scope on the server. Classes in this package are part of the supported User API for use in channels/scripts. Reference to any class in Mirth Connect outside of the userutil packages is unsupported.
com.mirth.connect.server.userutil - package com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
This package is included in the JavaScript scope on the server. Classes in this package are part of the supported User API for use in channels/scripts. Reference to any class in Mirth Connect outside of the userutil packages is unsupported.
com.mirth.connect.userutil - package com.mirth.connect.userutil
This package is included in the JavaScript scope on both the client and the server. Classes in this package are part of the supported User API for use in channels/scripts. Reference to any class in Mirth Connect outside of the userutil packages is unsupported.
commit() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Makes all changes made since the previous commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently held by this DatabaseConnection object.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns true if this list contains the specified element.
contains(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
Check if headers exists for a given key.
contains(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
Check if parameters exist for a given key.
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns true if this list contains all of the elements of the specified collection.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
ContentType - Enum in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Denotes various types of content created by a channel.
ContextFactory - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Allows the user to retrieve information about the current JavaScript context.
ContextFactory(MirthContextFactory) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ContextFactory
Instantiates a new ContextFactory object.
convertDate(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DateUtil
Parses a date string according to a specified input pattern, and formats the date back to a string according to a specified output pattern.
convertDICOM(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
convertDICOM(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
convertDICOM(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, int) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
convertDICOM(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
convertDICOMToByteArray(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
convertDICOMToByteArray(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, int) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
convertDICOMToByteArray(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts merged DICOM data associated with a connector message into a specified image format.
createAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, Object, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Creates an attachment associated with a given connector message, and inserts it into the database.
createAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Creates an attachment associated with a given connector message, and inserts it into the database.
createConnection(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Instantiates and returns a new java.sql.Connection object with the given connection parameters.
createDatabaseConnection(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Instantiates and returns a new DatabaseConnection object with the given connection parameters.
createDatabaseConnection(String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Instantiates and returns a new DatabaseConnection object with the given connection parameters.
createSMTPConnection() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnectionFactory
Creates an create SMTPConnection object using the server's default SMTP settings.


DatabaseConnection - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides the ability to run SQL queries again the database connection object instantiated using DatabaseConnectionFactory.
DatabaseConnection(String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Instantiates a new database connection with the given server address.
DatabaseConnection(String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Instantiates a new database connection with the given server address and connection arguments.
DatabaseConnection(Driver, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Instantiates a new database connection with the given driver instance and server address.
DatabaseConnection(Driver, String, Properties) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Instantiates a new database connection with the given driver instance, server address, and connection arguments.
DatabaseConnectionFactory - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Used to create database connection objects.
DatabaseConnectionFactory(MirthContextFactory) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnectionFactory
DateUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides date/time utility methods.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Decodes a Base64 string into octets.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts an XML/HTML entity reference into a string with the literal character.
deleteFile(File) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Deletes a specified File.
deployChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Deploy a channel.
DeployedState - Enum in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
DestinationSet - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Utility class used in the preprocessor or source filter/transformer to prevent the message from being sent to specific destinations.
DestinationSet(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DestinationSet
DestinationSet instances should NOT be constructed manually.
dicomObjectToByteArray(DicomObject) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Converts a dcm4che DicomObject into a byte array.
DICOMUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides DICOM utility methods.


encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Encoded binary data into a Base64 string.
encode(char) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Encodes a character into the corresponding XML/HTML entity.
encode(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts a string, encoding characters into the corresponding XML/HTML entities as needed.
encode(char[], int, int) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts a character array, encoding characters into the corresponding XML/HTML entities as needed.
entrySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
entrySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
escape(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.JsonUtil
Escapes any special JSON characters in the input.
executeCachedQuery(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Executes a query on the database and returns a CachedRowSet.
executeCachedQuery(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Executes a prepared query on the database and returns a CachedRowSet.
executeUpdate(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Executes an INSERT/UPDATE on the database and returns the row count.
executeUpdate(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Executes a prepared INSERT/UPDATE statement on the database and returns the row count.
executeUpdateAndGetGeneratedKeys(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Executes an INSERT/UPDATE statement on the database and returns a CachedRowSet containing any generated keys.
executeUpdateAndGetGeneratedKeys(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Executes a prepared INSERT/UPDATE statement on the database and returns a CachedRowSet containing any generated keys.


Failure() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Convenience method to create a new AuthenticationResult with the FAILURE status.
FileUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides file utility methods.
findColumn(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
formatDate(String, Date) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DateUtil
Formats a java.util.Date object into a string according to a specified pattern.
formatNCPDPNumber(String, int) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.NCPDPUtil
Converts a signed overpunch code into a string representing the appropriate decimal value.
Future<V> - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
A Future represents the result of an asynchronous computation.


generateAckResponse(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ACKGenerator
Generates an HL7 v2.x acknowledgment.
generateAckResponse(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ACKGenerator
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use generateAckResponse(message, isXML, acknowledgementCode, textMessage, dateFormat, errorMessage) instead.
generateAckResponse(String, boolean, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ACKGenerator
Generates an HL7 v2.x acknowledgment.
get(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Future
Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result.
get(long) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Future
Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result, if available.
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Future
Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result, if available.
get(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
get(int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getHeader(key) or getHeaderList(key) instead.
get(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getParameter(key) or getParameterList(key) instead.
get(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Returns the server address.
getArray(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getAsciiStream(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getAttachmentId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Returns the unique replacement token for the attachment.
getAttachmentId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableAttachment
Returns the unique replacement token for the attachment.
getAttachments() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns a list of attachments associated with this message.
getBigDecimal(String, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getBinaryStream(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getBlob(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getBoolean(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getByte(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getBytes(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getChannelId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the ID of the channel associated with this connector message.
getChannelId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns the ID of the channel associated with this message.
getChannelIds() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get all channel Ids.
getChannelMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use RawMessage.getSourceMap() instead.
getChannelMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the channel map.
getChannelName(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the name for a channel.
getChannelName() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the Name of the channel associated with this connector message.
getChannelNames() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get all channels names.
getChannelState(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the current state of a channel.
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getClassLoader() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ContextFactory
Returns the application classloader that the current JavaScript context is using.
getClob(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getConnection() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Returns the database connection (java.sql.Connection) this class is using.
getConnectorMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the connector map.
getConnectorMessages() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns a map of connector messages associated with this message.
getConnectorName() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the name of the connector associated with this connector message.
getConnectorState(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the current state of a connector.
getContent() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Returns the content of the attachment as a byte array.
getContent() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableAttachment
Returns the content of the attachment as a byte array.
getContent(ContentType) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
The getContent(contentType) method has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getMessageContent(contentType) instead.
getContent() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessageContent
Returns the actual content, as a string.
getContentString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Returns the content of the attachment as a string, using UTF-8 encoding.
getContentString(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Returns the content of the attachment as a string, using the specified charset encoding.
getContentType() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessageContent
Returns the ContentType of this message content (e.g.
getCurrentDate(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DateUtil
Formats the current date into a string according to a specified pattern.
getDataType() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessageContent
Returns the data type (e.g.
getDate(String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DateUtil
Parses a date string according to the specified pattern and returns a java.util.Date object.
getDate(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getDefaultDeserializationProperties(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
Returns a map of default properties used to customize how deserialization from XML to the data type is performed.
getDefaultSerializationProperties(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
Returns a map of default properties used to customize how serialization from the data type to XML is performed.
getDeployedChannelId(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the id for a deployed channel.
getDeployedChannelIds() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get all deployed channel Ids.
getDeployedChannelName(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the name for a deployed channel.
getDeployedChannelNames() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get all deployed channels names.
getDestinationIdMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns a Map of destination connector names linked to their corresponding connector metadata ID.
getDestinationIdMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns a Map of destination connector names linked to their corresponding connector metadata ID.
getDestinationMetaDataIds() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Returns the collection of integers (metadata IDs) representing which destinations to dispatch the message to.
getDestinationNameMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getDestinationIdMap() instead.
getDestinationNameMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getDestinationIdMap() instead.
getDICOMMessage(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Re-attaches DICOM attachments with the header data in the connector message and returns the resulting merged data as a byte array.
getDICOMRawBytes(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Re-attaches DICOM attachments with the header data in the connector message and returns the resulting merged data as a byte array.
getDICOMRawData(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Re-attaches DICOM attachments with the header data in the connector message and returns the resulting merged data as a Base64-encoded string.
getDouble(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getEDISerializer(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead.
getEncoded() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves encoded content associated with this connector message.
getEncodedData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves encoded content associated with this connector message.
getError() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ImmutableResponse
Returns the error string associated with this response, if it exists.
getError() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Returns the error string associated with this response, if it exists.
getErrorCount(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the error count statistic for a specific channel.
getErrorCount(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the error count statistic for a specific connector.
getErrorResponse(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory
Returns a Response representing a erred message.
getFilteredCount(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the filtered count statistic for a specific channel.
getFilteredCount(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the filtered count statistic for a specific connector.
getFilteredResponse(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory
Returns a Response representing a filtered message.
getFloat(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getFrom() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the FROM field being used for dispatched e-mail messages.
getHeader(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
Get the first header value for the given key.
getHeaderList(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
Get all header values for the given key.
getHL7Serializer(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead. The new method will now strip namespaces by default unless the 'stripNamespaces' property is set to false.
getHL7Serializer(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead. The new method will now strip namespaces by default unless the 'stripNamespaces' property is set to false.
getHL7Serializer(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead. The new method will now strip namespaces by default unless the 'stripNamespaces' property is set to false.
getHL7Serializer(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead. The new method will now strip namespaces by default unless the 'stripNamespaces' property is set to false.
getHL7Serializer() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead. The new method will now strip namespaces by default unless the 'stripNamespaces' property is set to false.
getHost() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the SMTP server address.
getId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Returns the unique ID for the attachment.
getId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableAttachment
Returns the unique ID for the attachment.
getImportChannelId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns the ID of the original channel this message was reprocessed from.
getImportId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns the ID of the original message this one was imported from.
getInt(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getIsolatedClassLoader() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ContextFactory
Returns a classloader containing only the libraries contained in the custom resources, with no parent classloader.
getKeys() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
Get all header keys.
getKeys() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
Get all parameter keys.
getLong(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getMergedConnectorMessage() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns a "merged" connector message containing data from all connector messages combined.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ImmutableResponse
Returns the actual response data, as a string.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Returns the actual response data, as a string.
getMessageAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves an attachment from the current channel/message ID.
getMessageAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves an attachment from the current channel/message ID.
getMessageAttachment(String, Long, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves an attachment from a specific channel/message ID.
getMessageAttachment(String, Long, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves an attachment from a specific channel/message ID.
getMessageAttachmentIds(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Returns a List of attachment IDs associated with the current channel / message.
getMessageAttachmentIds(String, Long) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Returns a List of attachment IDs associated with the current channel / message.
getMessageAttachments(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves all attachments associated with a connector message.
getMessageAttachments(ImmutableConnectorMessage, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves all attachments associated with a connector message.
getMessageAttachments(String, Long) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves all attachments associated with a specific channel/message ID.
getMessageAttachments(String, Long, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves all attachments associated with a specific channel/message ID.
getMessageAttachmentsFromSourceChannel(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves an attachment from an upstream channel that sent a message to the current channel.
getMessageAttachmentsFromSourceChannel(ImmutableConnectorMessage, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Retrieves an attachment from an upstream channel that sent a message to the current channel.
getMessageContent(ContentType) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves content associated with this connector message.
getMessageId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the sequential ID of the overall Message associated with this connector message.
getMessageId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns the sequential ID of this message, as a Long.
getMessageId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessageContent
Returns the sequential ID of the overall Message associated with this message content.
getMetaDataId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the metadata ID of this connector message.
getMetaDataId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessageContent
Returns the metadata ID of the connector associated with this message content.
getNCPDPSerializer(String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead.
getNCPDPSerializer(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead.
getNewMessageStatus() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ImmutableResponse
Returns the Status (e.g.
getObject(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getObject(String, Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getOriginalId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns the ID of the original message this one was reprocessed from.
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
Get the first parameter value for the given key.
getParameterList(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
Get all parameter values for the given key.
getPassword() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the password being used to authenticate to the SMTP server.
getPort() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the SMTP server port.
getPostProcessorError() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the postprocessing error string associated with this connector message, if it exists.
getProcessedRaw() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves processed raw content associated with this connector message.
getProcessedRawData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves processed raw content associated with this connector message.
getProcessedResponse() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves processed response content associated with this connector message.
getProcessedResponseData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves processed response content associated with this connector message.
getProcessingError() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the processing error string associated with this connector message, if it exists.
getQueuedCount(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the queued count statistic for a specific channel.
getQueuedCount(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the queued count statistic for a specific connector.
getQueuedResponse(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory
Returns a Response representing a queued message.
getRaw() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves raw content associated with this connector message.
getRawBytes() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Returns the binary data (byte array) to be dispatched to a channel.
getRawData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Returns the textual data to be dispatched to a channel.
getRawData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves raw content associated with this connector message.
getRealm() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Returns the realm that the request has been authenticated with.
getReceivedCount(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the received count statistic for a specific channel.
getReceivedCount(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the received count statistic for a specific connector.
getReceivedDate() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the date/time that this connector message was created by the channel.
getReceivedDate() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. This method currently returns the received date of the source connector message.
getRef(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getResourceIds() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ContextFactory
Returns the set of custom resource IDs that the current JavaScript context is using.
getResponse() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves response content associated with this connector message.
getResponseData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves response content associated with this connector message.
getResponseDate() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the date/time immediately after this connector message's response is received.
getResponseError() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the response error string associated with this connector message, if it exists.
getResponseHeaders() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Returns the map of HTTP headers to be sent along with the authentication response.
getResponseMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the response map.
getResponseTransformed() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves transformed response content associated with this connector message.
getResponseTransformedData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves transformed response content associated with this connector message.
getSecure() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the encryption security layer being used for the SMTP connection (e.g "TLS" or "SSL").
getSendAttempts() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the number of times this message has been attempted to be dispatched by the connector.
getSendDate() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the date/time immediately before this connector message's most recent send attempt.
getSentCount(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the sent count statistic for a specific channel.
getSentCount(String, Number) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Get the sent count statistic for a specific connector.
getSentResponse(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ResponseFactory
Returns a Response representing a successfully sent message.
getSerializer(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
Returns a serializer (with toXML and fromXML methods) for a given data type.
getSerializer(String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
Returns a serializer (with toXML and fromXML methods) for a given data type and properties.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the ID of the server associated with this connector message.
getServerId() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns the ID of the server associated with this message.
getShort(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getSliceCount(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Returns the number of slices in the fully-merged DICOM data associated with a given connector message.
getSocketTimeout() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
getSourceMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Returns the source map to be used at the beginning of the channel dispatch.
getSourceMap() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the source map.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Returns the accept/reject status of the authentication attempt.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns the status (e.g.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Returns the Status (e.g.
getStatusMessage() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ImmutableResponse
Returns a brief message explaining the reason for the current status.
getStatusMessage() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Returns a brief message explaining the reason for the current status.
getString(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getTime(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getTransformed() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves transformed content associated with this connector message.
getTransformedData() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Retrieves transformed content associated with this connector message.
getType() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Returns the MIME type of the attachment.
getType() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableAttachment
Returns the MIME type of the attachment.
getUnicodeStream(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getURL(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
getUsername() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Returns the username that the request has been authenticated with.
getUsername() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns the username being used to authenticate to the SMTP server.
getUUID() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.UUIDGenerator
Returns a type 4 (pseudo randomly generated) UUID.
getX12Serializer(boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SerializerFactory
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use getSerializer(dataType, serializationPropertiesMap, deserializationPropertiesMap) instead.


haltChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Halt a deployed channel.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
hashCode() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
httpBodyToXml(InputStream, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.HTTPUtil
Serializes an HTTP request body into XML.
httpBodyToXml(String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.HTTPUtil
Serializes an HTTP request body into XML.
HTTPUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides HTTP utility methods.


ImmutableAttachment - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
This class represents an message attachment and is used to retrieve details such as the replacement token or content type.
ImmutableAttachment(Attachment) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableAttachment
Instantiates a new ImmutableAttachment object.
ImmutableConnectorMessage - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
This class represents a connector message and is used to retrieve details such as the message ID, metadata ID, status, and various content types.
ImmutableConnectorMessage(ConnectorMessage) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Instantiates a new ImmutableConnectorMessage object.
ImmutableConnectorMessage(ConnectorMessage, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Instantiates a new ImmutableConnectorMessage object.
ImmutableConnectorMessage(ConnectorMessage, boolean, Map<String, Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Instantiates a new ImmutableConnectorMessage object.
ImmutableMessage - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
This class represents an overall message and is used to retrieve details such as the message ID, specific connector messages, or the merged connector message.
ImmutableMessage(Message) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Instantiates a new ImmutableMessage object.
ImmutableMessageContent - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
This class represents content associated with a connector message.
ImmutableMessageContent(MessageContent) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessageContent
Instantiates a new ImmutableMessageContent object.
ImmutableResponse - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
This class represents a destination response and is used to retrieve details such as the response data, message status, and errors.
ImmutableResponse(Response) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ImmutableResponse
Instantiates a new ImmutableResponse object.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
initializeDriver(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnectionFactory
Initializes the specified JDBC driver.
isBinary() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Returns a Boolean representing whether this object contains textual or binary data.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Future
Returns true if this task was cancelled before it completed normally.
isChannelDeployed(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Check if a channel is currently deployed.
isDone() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Future
Returns true if this task completed.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns true if this list contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
isEncrypted() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableAttachment
Returns a boolean indicating whether the attachment content is encrypted.
isProcessed() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns whether this message has finished processing through a channel.
isUseAuthentication() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Returns true if authentication is needed for the SMTP server, otherwise returns false.
iterator() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.


JsonUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Provides JSON utility methods.


keySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
keySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
keySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap


lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
list() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Lists
Instantiates a new ListBuilder using an ArrayList.
list(Object) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Lists
Instantiates a new ListBuilder using an ArrayList and the given element.
list(List) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Lists
Instantiates a new ListBuilder using the given list.
ListBuilder - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Convenience class to allow fluent building of lists.
listIterator() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
listIterator(int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in the list.
Lists - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Convenience class to allow fluent building of lists.
Lists() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Lists


map() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Maps
Instantiates a new MapBuilder using a HashMap.
map(Object, Object) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Maps
Instantiates a new MapBuilder using a HashMap and the given key/value entry.
map(Map) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Maps
Instantiates a new MapBuilder using the given map.
MapBuilder - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Convenience class to allow fluent building of maps.
Maps - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Convenience class to allow fluent building of maps.
Maps() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Maps
mergeHeaderAttachments(ImmutableConnectorMessage, List<Attachment>) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Re-attaches DICOM attachments with the header data in the connector message and returns the resulting merged data as a Base-64 encoded String.
mergeHeaderPixelData(byte[], List<byte[]>) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DICOMUtil
Re-attaches DICOM attachments with the given header data and returns the resulting merged data as a Base-64 encoded String.
MessageHeaders - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
MessageHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
MessageParameters - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
MessageParameters(Map<String, List<String>>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
MirthCachedRowSet - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
An implementation of CachedRowSet that retrieves values based on the column label value.
MirthCachedRowSet() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
MirthCachedRowSet(Hashtable) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet


NCPDPUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides NCPDP utility methods.


parseHeaders(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.HTTPUtil
Converts a block of HTTP header fields into a Map containing each header key and value.
pauseChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Pause a deployed channel.
prettyPrint(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.JsonUtil
Formats an JSON string with indented markup.
prettyPrint(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Formats an XML string with indented markup.
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
put(Object, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map (optional operation).
put(String, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
putAll(Map) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map (optional operation).
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap


RawMessage - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
This class represents a raw message as it is received by a channel, and is used to retrieve details such as the raw data or source map.
RawMessage(String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Instantiates a RawMessage object to dispatch to a channel.
RawMessage(String, Collection<Number>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Instantiates a RawMessage object to dispatch to a channel.
RawMessage(String, Collection<Number>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Instantiates a RawMessage object to dispatch to a channel.
RawMessage(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Instantiates a RawMessage object to dispatch to a channel.
RawMessage(byte[], Collection<Number>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Instantiates a RawMessage object to dispatch to a channel.
RawMessage(byte[], Collection<Number>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Instantiates a RawMessage object to dispatch to a channel.
read(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the file as a string, using the system default charset encoding.
readBytes(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the file as a byte array.
reAttachMessage(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Replaces any unique attachment tokens (e.g.
reAttachMessage(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Replaces any unique attachment tokens (e.g.
reAttachMessage(ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Replaces any unique attachment tokens (e.g.
reAttachMessage(String, ImmutableConnectorMessage) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Replaces any unique attachment tokens (e.g.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DestinationSet
Stop a destination from being processed for this message.
remove(Collection<Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DestinationSet
Stop a destination from being processed for this message.
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, if it is present (optional operation).
remove(int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Removes the element at the specified position in this list (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present (optional operation).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
removeAll() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DestinationSet
Stop all destinations from being processed for this message.
removeAll(Collection) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Removes from this list all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
removeAllExcept(Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DestinationSet
Stop all except one destination from being processed for this message.
removeAllExcept(Collection<Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DestinationSet
Stop all except one destination from being processed for this message.
resetStatistics(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Reset all statistics for a specific channel.
resetStatistics(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Reset all statistics for the specified connector on the given channel.
resetStatistics(String, Integer, Collection<Status>) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Reset the specified statistics for the specified connector on the given channel.
Response - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
This class represents a channel or destination response and is used to retrieve details such as the response data, message status, and errors.
Response() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Instantiates a new Response object.
Response(String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Instantiates a new Response object.
Response(Status, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Instantiates a new Response object.
Response(Status, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Instantiates a new Response object.
Response(Status, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Instantiates a new Response object.
Response(Response) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Instantiates a new Response object.
ResponseFactory - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Provides methods to create Response objects.
ResponseMap - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
A wrapper class for the response map which allows users to retrieve values using the proper "d#" key (where "#" is the destination connector's metadata ID), or by using the actual destination name.
ResponseMap(Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
Instantiates a new ResponseMap object.
resumeChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Resume a deployed channel.
retainAll(Collection) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection (optional operation).
rollback() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object.
routeMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.VMRouter
Dispatches a message to a channel, specified by the deployed channel name.
routeMessage(String, RawMessage) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.VMRouter
Dispatches a message to a channel, specified by the deployed channel name.
routeMessageByChannelId(String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.VMRouter
Dispatches a message to a channel, specified by the deployed channel ID.
routeMessageByChannelId(String, RawMessage) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.VMRouter
Dispatches a message to a channel, specified by the deployed channel ID.
rtfToPlainText(String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Converts an RTF into plain text using the Swing RTFEditorKit.


send(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sends an e-mail message.
send(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sends an e-mail message.
send(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sends an e-mail message.
sendAlert(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AlertSender
Dispatches an error event that can be alerted on.
SerializerFactory - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Used to create a serializer for a specific data type for conversion to and from XML.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element (optional operation).
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DatabaseConnection
Sets this connection's auto-commit mode to the given state.
setChannelMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
This method is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use setSourceMap(sourceMap) instead.
setContent(byte[]) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Sets the content of the attachment.
setContentString(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Sets the content of the attachment, using UTF-8 encoding.
setContentString(String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Sets the content of the attachment, using the specified charset encoding.
setDestinationMetaDataIds(Collection<Number>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Sets which destinations to dispatch the message to.
setError(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Sets the error string to be associated with this response.
setFrom(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the FROM field to use for dispatched e-mail messages.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the SMTP server address.
setId(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Sets the unique ID for the attachment.
setMessage(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Sets the response data.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the password to use to authenticate to the SMTP server.
setPort(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the SMTP server port.
setRealm(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Sets the realm that the request has been authenticated with.
setResponseHeaders(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Sets the map of HTTP headers to be sent along with the authentication response.
setSecure(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the encryption security layer to use for the SMTP connection.
setSocketTimeout(int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the socket connection timeout value.
setSourceMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.RawMessage
Sets the source map to be used at the beginning of the channel dispatch.
setStatus(AuthStatus) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Sets the accept/reject status of the authentication attempt.
setStatus(Status) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Sets the status of this response.
setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Sets the status message to use for this response.
setType(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.Attachment
Sets the MIME type for the attachment.
setUseAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets whether authentication is needed for the SMTP server.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Sets the username that the request has been authenticated with.
setUsername(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Sets the username to use to authenticate to the SMTP server.
size() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
size() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
size() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
SMTPConnection - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Used to send e-mail messages.
SMTPConnection(String, String, int, boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Instantiates an SMTP connection used to send e-mail messages with.
SMTPConnection(String, String, boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SMTPConnection
Instantiates an SMTP connection used to send e-mail messages with.
SMTPConnectionFactory - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Utility class used to create SMTPConnection object using the server's default SMTP settings.
SourceMap - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
SourceMap(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
Instantiates a new SourceMap object.
startChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Start a deployed channel.
startConnector(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Start a connector on a given channel.
Status - Enum in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Denotes the status of a connector message or response.
stopChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Stop a deployed channel.
stopConnector(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Stop a connector on a given channel.
subList(int, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns a view of the portion of this list between the specified fromIndex, inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
Success() - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Convenience method to create a new AuthenticationResult with the SUCCESS status.
Success(String, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthenticationResult
Convenience method to create a new AuthenticationResult with the SUCCESS status.


toArray() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence (from first to last element).
toArray(Object[]) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence (from first to last element); the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toCollection(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
toJson(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts an XML string to JSON, while stripping bound namespace prefixes.
toJson(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts an XML string to JSON.
toJson(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts an XML string to JSON.
toJson(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.XmlUtil
Converts an XML string to JSON.
toString() - Method in enum com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DeployedState
toString() - Method in enum com.mirth.connect.userutil.ContentType
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableConnectorMessage
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ImmutableMessage
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ListBuilder
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageHeaders
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MessageParameters
toString() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.Response
Returns a string representation of the object.
toXml(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.JsonUtil
Converts a JSON string to XML.
toXml(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.JsonUtil
Converts a JSON string to XML.


undeployChannel(String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelUtil
Undeploy a channel.
updateArray(String, Array) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, String, Object, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, String, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, Attachment) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(ImmutableConnectorMessage, Attachment, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(String, Long, Attachment) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(String, Long, Attachment, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(String, Long, String, Object, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateAttachment(String, Long, String, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.AttachmentUtil
Updates an attachment associated with a given connector message.
updateBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateClob(String, Clob) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateDate(String, Date) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateInt(String, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateLong(String, long) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateNull(String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateRef(String, Ref) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateShort(String, short) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateString(String, String) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateTime(String, Time) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
updateTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.MirthCachedRowSet
UUIDGenerator - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Utility class to create unique identifiers.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DeployedState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.userutil.ContentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.userutil.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.plugins.httpauth.userutil.AuthStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.ChannelMap
values() - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.DeployedState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.SourceMap
values() - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.userutil.ContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.MapBuilder
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Method in class com.mirth.connect.userutil.ResponseMap
values() - Static method in enum com.mirth.connect.userutil.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VMRouter - Class in com.mirth.connect.server.userutil
Utility class used to dispatch messages to channels.
VMRouter() - Constructor for class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.VMRouter
Instantiates a VMRouter object.


write(String, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Writes a string to a specified file, creating the file if it does not exist.
write(String, boolean, byte[]) - Static method in class com.mirth.connect.server.userutil.FileUtil
Writes a byte array to a file, creating the file if it does not exist.


XmlUtil - Class in com.mirth.connect.userutil
Provides XML utility methods.
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